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When to use EFS?

There is never a wrong time to use high quality services like ours, but there can be times that are more advantageous than others. We believe that there are three specific times you should consider using our services: Before, During, and After.

Before:  You’ve got a great service you want to provide, or a great product you want to sell, but you don’t know how to set up a business, and you want to get started on the right path.  BEFORE you start setting up your business structure, and possibly spending hundreds or thousands of dollars unnecessarily, we recommend you sit down with a reputable firm to answer your various questions.  (Just so you know, our office offers a free one-hour consultation for potential clients…) You need to understand what the different business formations are, what the tax consequences of each structure entails, what the difference is between an Employee and an Independent Contractor, what government agencies are responsible for what licenses and taxes, etc.  There is no better time than BEFORE you spend your money to know what you’re spending your money on.  And with over 20 years of experience, we are more than capable of answering your questions.

During: Your company is up and running, but is it running on all cylinders, or does it seem like the timing is off causing things to not work as smoothly as you’d like?  It could be you could use another set of eyes to look at your business setup to see if it is providing you with all the tax deductions and protections you’re needing.  Or, it could be that you don’t understand why you’re bringing in a lot of money, but don’t seem to have any left over for yourself?  Maybe your costs are out of control and you don’t know where to start in fixing them?

Whatever it is, talking to an experienced team of service professionals, like the team at EFS, can likely shed some light on the problems and potentially provide some pointers on different solutions.  Our senior staff can take a look at your operations and provide suggestions on improving cash flow through debt consolidations, or improving employee efficiencies, or evaluate internal controls to see if workflows are being followed properly.

After:    You’ve built up a successful business, you’ve sacrificed tremendously, and are looking to take it a bit easier.  Now is the time to look at your succession plan.  Since none of us are going to live forever, taking the time to determine what legacy you want for your firm is of paramount importance.  We understand this very well at EFS and we work with companies that are looking to fortify their exit strategies, be it sell the business to staff, leave it to a family member, or sell it off to another party.

Regardless of how you want to leave your legacy, if you fail to plan for this event, you are likely leaving a lot to chance, and little to your benefit.  We encourage you and your senior team to meet with us and discuss your current ideas and what you’d like to see happen when you do decide to enjoy yourself.

As we said before, there is really no wrong time to consider talking with another service provider if your current one isn’t meeting your needs, or expectations.  If you’d like to schedule an appointment to meet with a member of our team, please feel free to send us an email, or call us at (931) 919-2543.